Author of more than a hundred productions, plays and dramatizations.
Professor, actor and director.
During his career, Rashid has already made more than 100 performances in various theatres
Being one of the most influential directors in Russia,
Rashid Zagidullin rebuilt the theatre industry in Tatarstan from the scratch. He is also professor of theatre arts and professional playwright, who made performances in Brussels, Bonn, Bruges, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Istanbul and many other cities.
Full Biography
Rashid Mullagalievich was born on November 18, 1964 in the city of Gubakha, Perm Region.
He made his first directorial work in 1988, while studying at the acting department of the Kazan Theater School, when the directors of the course (Yu.I. Kareva, V.V. Keshner) entrusted him with staging one of the graduation performances based on M. Yablonskaya's play "The Teddy Monkey in crib." Then he continued his directorial experience on the stage of the Kazan Youth Theater and the Tatar State Philharmonic named after. G. Tukay, bringing performances for children to life on stage.

In 1993, for the first time in the history of the Moscow Theater Institute named after B.V. Shchukin, a graduate student (student of the famous teacher, Professor, People's Artist of the USSR, E.R. Simonov) Zagidullin R.M. was appointed chief director of the Tatar State Theater of Drama and Comedy. K. Tinchurin, which he headed for more than a quarter of a century, until 2019. Under his leadership, the theater ceased to be mobile and became stationary.

In each performance Zagidullin R.M. reveals the creative capabilities of the acting team, finds new forms of productions in various genres, searches for bright and expressive artistic means, while remaining a director who continues the age-old traditions of the national psychological theater. He enthusiastically and with great success staged epic and rather harsh narratives about the ancient history of the Tatar people "While the Itil River Flows" by N. Fattakh and "The Last Legend" by M. Malikova, "The Last Play" by K. Tinchurin, the grotesque comedy by K. Tinchurin "Passion" according to the report," serious and deep psychological dramas by T. Minnullin "Without the Moon, the Star Shines for Us," "Dream," "Misconception," humorous comedies "Gayfi Babay, Get Married!" G. Zainasheva and "First Love" by I. Gali, many many other works of Tatar playwrights.[3] Staging the famous love-historical dramas "The Legend of Love" by N. Hikmet, "Faded Stars" by K. Tinchurin, "Yusuf and Zuleikha" by N. Khisamov, director R. M. Zagidullin. managed to create not only specific socially significant productions, but iconic, universal stories about the love of the legendary lovers Farhad and Shirin, Sarvar and Ismagil, Yusuf and Zuleikha, which entered the consciousness of the people as the names of real-life characters.
His performances based on the works of Russian authors "The Widow's Steamship" by I. Grekova, "At the Lower Depths" and "The Bourgeois" by M. Gorky, "A Garden without Land" by L. Razumovskaya aroused genuine interest and love from the audience. A special place in the work of Zagidullin R.M. are occupied by productions of plays of foreign classics; this is the full-blooded, full-blooded playful beginning of P.O. Beaumarchais's "Crazy Day or The Marriage of Figaro" and J.B. Molière's farce "Monsieur de Poursonnac"; the great dramas of F. G. Lorca "Bloody Wedding", "The House of Bernarda Alba", the absurd comedy of S. Mrozhek "Karol", the tragedy of B. Brecht "Mother Courage and Her Children" and the unsolved tragedy of W. Shakespeare "Hamlet. Scenes". Director Zagidullin R.M. created innovative, conceptual performances, both bright and theatrical, using different and unexpected artistic means and possibilities for solving the stage space in the Tatar theater.

On the stage of the Tatar theater Zagidullin R.M. began to be the first to successfully stage literary and musical performances. The musical and poetic dramas "Love Life" and "Roads of Fate" based on the works of G. Tukay and R. Valeev, the dramas "We are Children of the Forty-First Year" by R. Magdeev and "Memoirs of the Young Lady Gulyandam" by A. Eniki, which he embodied, revealed new possibilities for stage reading national classical literature.
Special mention should be made of his bold and interesting musical productions; "Grooms" by H. Vakhit, "Oh, My Apple Trees" by Sh. Farkhutdinov, "The Picky Groom" by K. Tinchurin, "The Tricks of Gulshayan" by M. Amir and a large number of musical fairy tales, in which musical and literary materials are always superbly intertwined, becoming a single whole . And the play based on T. Gizzat's play "Shoes" was staged by R. M. Zagidullin. in two completely different musical genres: the first time as a classical operetta, and ten years later the same play was staged for the first time in the genre of a jazz musical.[6] This suggests that Zagidullin R.M. never repeats himself and always looks for and finds a new interpretation of the material he has encountered before.
Zagidullin R.M. the only director in the Republic who in 2011, the first in the history of Turkish-Tatarstan relations, staged with great success the musical tragedy of K. Tinchurin "Faded Stars" on the stage of the State Drama Theater "Küçük tiuatro" in Ankara, where the heroes of the Tatar classics began to sing and speak Turkish.

For his creative activity Zagidullin R.M. He performed more than 80 productions at various theater venues.

Professor of the Department of Theater Creativity of KazGIK and KTU Zagidullin R.M. has extensive teaching experience. For 26 years, at various times, he was the artistic director of acting and directing courses. Diploma performances by students Zagidullin R.M. have always been distinguished by their complexity and high professionalism.

Performances based on the plays of F. Lorca "Bloody Wedding", I. Varypaev "Dreams", E. Glovatsky "Zamarashka" and others were noted among the best at various student theater festivals. Today, many of Zagidullin's students R.M. already have honorary titles and continue the work of their mentor at the country's theater stages with great success.
Zagidullin R.M. has quite a wealth of experience in writing literary works; from his pen several dozen plays, translations and dramatizations have been produced, which are performed with great success on the stage of theaters.

Zagidullin R.M. is an active participant in All-Russian conferences and laboratories on the development of theatrical art in Russia.

Huge attention Zagidullin R.M. pays attention to the restoration of previously destroyed creative connections. On his initiative and with his direct participation, the theater's touring activities in the Republic of Tatarstan and the Russian Federation, as well as abroad, are expanding and strengthening. The geography of the theater's tours has been actively expanding in recent years: Chelyabinsk, Yekaterinburg, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Antalya, Ankara, Istanbul, Brussels, Bonn, Bruges - this is a far from complete list of cities visited by the theater in recent years. All tours take place with full houses and at a high professional level, which always evokes special words of gratitude to director R. M. Zagidullin.
Rashid Zagidullin's Projects and performances
Repertory List
In Media
“Through the prism of the life and work of Hasan Tufan, we would like to show a portrait of all our creators who suffered from repression in one way or another,” Zagidullin emphasized
Director Rashid Zagidullin presented three performances to the repertoire of the Taganrog theater and returned again for the fourth.
The new experimental theater prepared the premiere of Moliere's comedy "The Tricks of Scapin".
"Bashmachki" is the first Tatar musical comedy written by Jaudat Faizi and Tazi Gizzat in 1942.
The premiere of the play will take place on the day of the 130th anniversary of the Tatar playwright.
There is no big stage, no cumbersome decoration, no grandeur of what is happening. "Hamlet" of the Tinchurinsky Theater is quiet, despite the piercing passions, intimate and extremely understandable.